Posts in Natural Remedies
Natural Healing For Cold And Flu: Safe, And Effective Help

Hundreds of cold and flu home remedies exist. But how do we find the ones that actually work and solve your problem?

There are many natural, safe, and effective remedies to help you fight colds, coughs, and flu which will be listed later in the post. Before we get to that, though, let’s talk about those symptoms. 

The common cold and influenza are different in their foundations. You can find a complete comparison by the CDC here. However, some overlap exists—runny or stuffy noses, coughing, fatigue, body or muscle aches, and headaches.

They’re all symptoms of both the common cold and the flu. If you’re experiencing any or all of these symptoms or want to stop them before they worsen, we’re here to help! Keep on reading.

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The Link Between Chronic Kidney Disease and Gout

A recent study has found that gout may be associated with a higher risk of chronic kidney disease in older adults. This is a significant finding, as kidney disease is a leading cause of death in seniors. While more research is needed to confirm the link between gout and kidney disease, this study provides important insights into the possible health risks associated with gout.

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Tinnitus and Silent Migraine: Causes and Therapy

Although tinnitus and migraine are two distinct conditions, they share specific characteristics that suggest they may have something in common.

In this article, we will explore the possible connection between tinnitus and migraines and look at possible causes and therapy for both conditions to improve quality of life.

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Solfeggio Frequencies: How Sound Frequencies Heal

Recent evidence has shown that healing sound frequencies are effective for various illnesses and disorders, including anxiety and depression. This has become an essential part of Biohacking for those who desire to boost their cognitive abilities or even the life expectancy of their individual growth. We'll look at the uses of sound frequency therapy in health care as it helps treat many health issues. We can also see the most recent research in this area.

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Silent Migraine: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention

A silent migraine is a rare form that occurs without the common symptom of head pain or the headache phase. Other symptoms may include visual disturbances or aura symptoms, nausea, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines are more common in women than men and generally occur suddenly without warning.

The exact cause of silent migraines is unknown, but research suggests it may be related to changes in blood flow or chemical levels in the brain. Some lifestyle factors may trigger these types of migraines, including stress, lack of sleep, certain medications, and food allergies.

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How to Get Rid of Headaches Without Medicine | Sound Frequency Therapy

Getting a headache or migraine is never fun. They often seem to come during the worst parts of your day: when you’re out with friends, family, or trying to enjoy yourself.

All you want to do is crawl into bed until it goes away, and small details like light and sound only seem to make things worse.

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Tapping Vagus Nerve: What Is It And What Does It Do?

The vagus nerve, or wandering nerve, is the longest cranial nerve in the body and is a part of the parasympathetic nervous system. It originates from the brain stem, runs through the neck and chest, and into your abdomen, branching off to different organs.

The wandering nerve is responsible for regulating the parasympathetic nervous system. This system (PNS) is one of two autonomic nervous system (ANS) parts.

The PNS is responsible for restoring essential functions and soothing the body. In comparison, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is responsible for the fight or flight response.

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Easy Natural Parasite Cleanse at Home Using Sound Therapy

Think parasitic infections only happen in developing countries with poor sanitation and limited access to clean water? Think again.

According to the CDC, parasites are more common in developed countries like the United States than most realize because we travel all over the world and bring them home -- and when left untreated, they can have devastating effects.

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Healthy Habits For Seniors: Health Tips for Older Adults

We’ve found an age-old (but beneficial) method to promote a healthy lifestyle for the elderly. We’ve surveyed hundreds of people and found it the success rate for keeping people healthy and avoiding common problems is mind-blowing.

This method can be broken down into small habits you do every day and help you maintain good health, no matter your age.

If you’re a senior citizen and want to learn the habits you need to create to stay healthy longer, keep reading!

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Is Vertigo Permanent? Vertigo Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Vertigo is a type of dizziness that can cause a feeling of spinning or swaying. It can be caused by different things, including inner ear problems, blood pressure or heart rate changes, or even anxiety. While vertigo can be annoying and uncomfortable, it’s usually not serious.

There are two types of vertigo: peripheral and central. Peripheral vertigo stems from an issue in the ear or vestibular system, which controls balance, while central vertigo is caused by an issue in the brain, such as a stroke or a tumor.

Vertigo can last for a few seconds, minutes, hours, or days. In some cases, it may come and go over time.

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How To Reduce Pain Medication With Sound Frequency Technology

Taking pain medicine has become the usual approach to cure ailments inside your body and mind, although it is not the safest way to go about it. You see, pain medications are composed of chemicals that can do more harm than good to your system in the long run.

Though we tend to think of pain medicine as helpful, it can be harmful.

But what if it didn't have to be this way? What if there was a safer, more natural way to help with your health concerns? Keep reading to learn more.

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Refined Sugars and Its Dangers: What You Need to Know

We all know that sugar is bad for us. It’s one of the most commonly demonized ingredients, and for good reason – too much sugar can lead to a whole host of health problems. But what exactly is sugar, and why is it so bad for us? This article will explore the different types of sugar, their effects on our health, and how to avoid them.

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables. It’s also added to processed foods as cane sugar, beet sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and other sweeteners. It is largely present within foods, making it difficult to avoid.

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Sound To Sleep: Sound Frequencies And Nature Sounds For Sleep and Relaxation

Do you ever have trouble falling asleep? Or maybe you can fall asleep but wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. Either way, getting a good night's sleep can be frustrating.

There are a lot of things that can affect our sleep, from stress to caffeine to blue light exposure from screens. But one thing that can help us sleep better is sound. Specifically, nature sounds like rain sounds or forest sounds and sound wave frequencies.

Nature sounds are relaxing and can help to lull us into a restful state. And sound wave frequencies can help to promote deep sleep by providing our brains with rhythmic patterns to follow.

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What are Chakras and How to Balance Them With Sound Frequency Healing

What are Chakras and How to Balance Them With Sound Frequency Healing

Chakras are energy centers in the body responsible for circulating life force energy, or prana. There are seven main chakras along the spine, starting at the base and moving up to the crown of the head.

Each chakra is associated with a different color, element, and function. When one or more of the chakras becomes blocked, it can lead to physical, mental, and emotional imbalances.

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk.” The chakras are often described as spinning wheels of energy that keep the life force flowing through the physical body.

They are believed to be connected to the various glands and organs in the body and the nervous and endocrine systems, which is why a blocked chakra can cause havoc in your body. Something as simple as certain yoga poses can help with that.

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Can A Rife Machine Treat Cancer with Sound Frequencies?

Can A Rife Machine Treat Cancer Cells?

A Rife Machine is a device that uses low-energy electromagnetic waves to create vibrations in the air, which can be used to kill bacteria and viruses without affecting normal cells. The original Rife device was invented in the early 1900s by Royal Raymond Rife and was later improved upon by other inventors.

Some still use Rife Machines as an alternative treatment for various diseases and infections. There is no evidence that Rife Machines may effectively cure cancer cells, but more research is needed to confirm this.

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Sound Frequencies vs Music For Therapy: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship. Music therapy is an allied health profession and one of the expressive therapies, along with art, drama, and dance/movement therapies.

Music therapy is an effective way of improving mental, physical and emotional well-being. The treatment aims to achieve specific results such as reducing depression and anxiety.

Similar results can be achieved by using sound frequencies in the form of a wristwatch to heal many health issues in the comfort of your home when you're out shopping or at work and whenever you need to use it. More about this later!

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How to Use The WAVwatch - Why People Keep Using Sound Therapy

Everyday life takes a toll on your mind and body, making you feel weak. Or perhaps you simply need some rest or have other concerns.

If any of this resonates with you, we want to introduce you to an amazing sound wellness self-care tool hundreds of people are discussing.

Sound frequency therapy has helped them stay safe and balanced during challenging times. The WAVwatch is available at

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Biohacking: The New Science Of Optimizing Your Brain

Biohacking is a broad term for the new science of optimizing your brain and body for peak performance. By using techniques from psychology, physiology, and nutrition, biohackers aim to upgrade their mental and physical abilities.

Benefits of biohacking - also called DIY biology or do-it-yourself biology - include increased focus, improved memory, enhanced physical strength and endurance, and reduced stress levels. In popular articles, other biohackers claim to have reversed Alzheimer's disease, cured cancer, and achieved other seemingly impossible feats. Most human beings can benefit from simple lifestyle changes that maximize their natural potential.

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A Guide to Sound Frequency Therapy and How It Can Help You

Sound frequency therapy helps with common issues like tinnitus, GI tract problems, tremors, knee pain, headaches, and more.

More specifically, the WAVwatch, the world’s first sound frequency therapy watch, is helping pave the way for self-care tools and is the device used in these stories.

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